-Instalare: - fiecare instalare are un dll in folderul programului instalat. Acel Dll il putem copia in folderul nostru de VST-uri

  1. Se introduce plugin-ul ca VSTi Synth din Browser Synth Track plugin-ul:
  2. Avand urmatoarele caracteristici:
  3. Din RapidComposer setam Tempo sa se sincronizeze cu tempo-ul Host-ului, “Use Host Tempo” and “Use Host Signature”.:
  4. Se incarca o compozitie

Cineva a dat sfaturile astea:

  1. I added RC to Sonar as a VSTi synth.
  2. I loaded a composition into RC.
  3. I selected the RC Master Track options “Use Host Tempo” and “Use Host Signature”. [Note: Now the tempo and time signature need to be set appropriately in Sonar]
  4. I created an audio track in Sonar with the RC VSTi as the Audio Input, and I ensured that “Enable MIDI Output” setting for the RC VSTi was set to checked.
  5. I created an instrument track in Sonar for each RC track. The MIDI input of each instrument track was set to the appropriate MIDI channel as set by RC for each track in the RC composition. The audio output for each Sonar instrument track should already be set to the appropriate Sonar VSTi instrument.
  6. I had to turn on MIDI input echo for each instrument track in Sonar to ensure that sound played for that individual instrument track.
  7. I had to ensure that the “Stop at Project End” global option in Sonar was unchecked in order for playback to work properly. If “Stop at Project End” is checked, playback will terminate after playing just one note of the composition. Also the “On Stop, Rewind to Now Marker” global option should be left unchecked, unless you want playback to always start from the beginning of the composition when the play button is pressed.
  • (external edit)