1. Signature: “k”
- either select the bar first where needed to bchanged either select the desired sinature then click the bar desired. Or you can select the passe you want to change the signature and the press “k” then choose the signature.
2. Time signatures (“t”)
3. Clefs (“q”)
4. Crescendo/ Diminuendo
- click the note then type
- “h” for crescendo
- “shift”+“h” for diminuendo
- press the space bar to advance the hairpin. If you went too far and want to retract the hairpin: “shift”+“space”.
- use the arrow s for finer adjustments. Left/right/up/down.
- if you know the passage, select the passage and press “h” or “shift”+“h”.

5. Slurs
- select the starting note then type “s” then pres the “space” button to etend the slur.
- “shift”+“space” - retract a slur
- “l” for line
- “z” for symbols (select the place in your score thwn press symbols)
- to flip the orientation click “x”
— “w” to view the score part you select recently.
- “y” to move the playback line to your selected note.
- if you don't know where it is, jump to the play line by: “shift”+“y”.
-“ ]” to move the pay lin on the screen.

- select the note then “ctrl”+“E” - for expression.
- right click for the contextual word menu. - or you can still hold “ctrl” and you cn type the expressions manually.
But “z” won't work unless you press“ctrl+shift+alt+z”
- hit “esc” to omit the flashing cursor.
- in order to edit your text “double click”/hit “return”.

- “ctrl”+“t” - for inserting technique text.
- epressions can be copied and pasted by selecting them in clicking: “alt”+click. Where would you like them to go.
- to keep the expression to snap to its vertical poition, click “shift+alt+click”

- “ctrl”+“alt”+“t” - for tempo
- right click to see the available obtions or you just type in.
- you can combine ordinary text and note values.

- “ctrl”+“L” — select the note
- or you can just copy the text you wwant to insert from word then keep typing ctrl + v in the score. Sibellius will automatically hifinate multi sillabic words.
- type the space bar if you need a melisma.

-Select the bar then ctrl+k
- click space or tab to go to the nect bar.
- if you forgot to type in your title or compoer go into your text/style galery/title.

1. Mgnetic Layout - mkes expressions and lines perfectly adjuted to the music.
2. Optimize - select all the sscore the press optimize - will inteligently improve the layoutof the selected passage/the whole score.
3. Review tab - for comments
- new comment - to remind yourself in form of sticky notes.
4. To view a part, select the “plus” button on the right hand corner.

  • (external edit)