Entering notes in Sibellius

- to add acidentals, chose it prior to click in your note.

- ties extend the duration of a note
- slurs connect notes of different pitch to make them legato.
- to add articulation, click on the articulation before clickingin the note.

View/Panels/ board

- tell Sibellius where to add the note.
- hit esc to eit note input mode
- click a bar
- hit the “n” .
- the pad pannel corresponds to a numeric pad on a computer board. Insted of clicking on the pad, you can hit the corresponding on tge numeric pad to make a selection.

- For instance
5 = doime (half note)
6 = nota intreaga (whole note)
4 = patrime (quarter note)
1 = saptesprezecime
2 = saisprezecime
3 = optime
7 = bemol
8 = diez
9 = becar

- letters A-G are all easily reachable to your left hand while your right hand is free to select your rhythm.
- when using the alphbetic input, Sibellius will chose the note in the 8tve nearest to the preceeding note.
- if you need to ajust the 8tve: command /ctrl + arrows up/down( do this but more), the direction you want to move.

- to add notes to a chord usimg the alphabetic input method, type th interval above where yoi like yournew note to appear relative to the selected note.
- INTERVALS: the numbers on the row of s near the top of the computer board.

- if you hit an interval, a new note is inserted but it will be natural. If you need it to be flat or sharp, then press esc and type the numeric button corresponding to the accidental desired.

- if the accidental is on, hit it once again to turn it off.
- use the arrow s to move to the next bar + press “n” to resume note entry.

- to move from bar to bar, press command + arrow .

- to add notes bellow my seleted note, hold down the “shift” + interval number.
- 0 is used for rests.
- voice 1 - colored with blue.
- voice 2 - colored with green.
- to add the 2nd voice press “esc” + select where you want your notes to go tthen type “n” where you want your notes to go.
- you can either vlick the voice numbrr on the pad, or using the shortcut obtion on the mac/pc + the voice number. Command + 1/2/3/4

- type the voicing then type in the notes in the usual way.

IF YOU HAVE A BOARD (step time entry).

- select your bar
- type “n” for notes
- hit 4 for quorter note
- instead of typing on the board, play them on your mini board.
- you can play chords all at once
- if you need to respell your notes enharmonically pres the “return” after playing in a note.

- click record on theplay menu
- for stopping the recording press space.

- to delete a note, press “delete”. Sibellius will replace the note with a rest.
- if you have a selection and want to get to a deafoult position pres esc.
- double click will select all the br on that system.
- tripple click will select all the music in the entire piece.
- if you want to move all notes up or down, select the notes and select the arrows up or down.
- if you want to add intervals to all of them select them and press 3/4/5 and to add bellow hold shift then the interval.
- to duplicate/ copy a selection, select the notes then click “alt” and click with the mouse the destination you wish it to appear.
- if you alt click a bar with an existent music in it, Sibellius will replace the music with the existing music you initially selected.
-if you want to make an imediate repeat of a selection hit the “r” .

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