Channel 8,9 exclusive - isi propune sa fie acolo doar hihaturile care se exclud reciproc.. - cand suna unul celalalt sa fie muted. Hi hat opened, and closed.. etc.

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Dinamica notelor se seteaza de aici:

IEsirea redrum poate fi trimisa individual, pe instrumente, spre mixer, separat.
Daca vrei efecte de gen Send atunci are el oncorporat 2 trimiteri auxiliare, care nu ocupa cele 4 trimiteri pe care le are mixerul. (din pacate doar 4, dar mai pot fi creatae daca se mai adauga un mixer.)

Send effects

Se pot trimite doar 2 efecte pe redrum:

Dar ce zic eu doar.. cata vreme se trimit direct din program si nu din mixer.. deci e un plus. Deci prin chaining mixer se creaza separat alte 2 cai de trimitere primire efecte prin Chainig Aux.  Vezi mai jos Chainig mixer.

Se marcheaza mixerul, supa care se indroduc 2 efecte. Cele 2 efecte se vor seta pe send 1 si 2 al redrum-ului.

Si va aparea asa:

Din send out redrum - Chainig Aux Mixer

Chaining Mixers

If you need more Mixer channels, you can simply create a new Mixer. If you do this, the Mixers are automatically connected via the “Chaining Master” and “Chaining Aux” connectors.

The newly created Mixer's Master Output is connected to the original Mixer's Chaining Master input.

The Master Out Level for the new Mixer is now controllable from the original Mixer's Master fader - so that this fader now controls the Master output level of both mixers.

The newly created Mixer's four stereo Aux Send outputs is connected to the original Mixer's Chaining Aux connectors.

The new Mixer will now have access to any Aux Send effects connected to the original Mixer, via the same corresponding Aux Send(s).

This way, the two Mixers operate as “one”.

One exception is the Mute⁄Solo function, which is not chained. Thus, soloing a channel in one of the Mixers, will not mute the channels in the other Mixer.

You can create as many Mixers as you like, they will be chained in the same way, with one Mixer remaining the “master” (i.e. it controls the Master level of all chained Mixers and supplies the Aux Send effect sources).

Partially or Non-Chained Mixers

You can also have several Mixers that are only partially or not chained at all.

You may for example wish to have different Aux Send effects for one Mixer.

Then simply disconnect one or more of the Send Out to Chaining Aux connectors, and assign new Send effects.

You could for example send the Master output of one Mixer to another Input pair on the Audio In Hardware interface, instead of the Chaining Master inputs.

Flam - este functia care adauga inca o bataie la cea existenta. iar din buton se modifica distanta dintre cele 2 batai

Randomize - Patern - arunca la intamplare tot ce este in patern
Randomize - Drum - arunca la intamplare doar ce este in Drum-sul selectat.

Alterarea face ca lucrurile sa nu fie adaugate prea extrem. se face aruncare la intamplare dar fara a aduga sau scoate din note

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