You can change the default locations for user content, like phrases, rhythm patterns and track templates.

This is the directory where the user phrases are saved. Each phrase is saved in a separate file. Sub-directories are automatically created based on the 'group' specified when saving a phrase. Phrase files have the '.rcPHRS' file extension.

Default locations:
Windows: C:\Users\(Username)\Documents\RapidComposerV3\CustomPhrases
OS X: ~\Documents\RapidComposerV3\CustomPhrases

User created rhythm patterns are saved here. Each pattern is saved in a separate file. Sub-directories are automatically created based on the 'group' specified when saving a rhythm pattern. Files have the '.rcRHYT' file extension.

Default locations:
Windows: C:\Users\(Username)\Documents\RapidComposerV3\CustomRhythms
OS X: ~\Documents\RapidComposerV3\CustomRhythms

It is possible to save a whole track with phrases, variations and instruments to a separate file which you can insert to compositions later. The track templates are listed in the Track Template browser and saved in the Track Templates directory.

Default locations:
Windows: C:\Users\(Username)\Documents\RapidComposerV3\TrackTemplates
OS X: ~\Documents\RapidComposerV3\TrackTemplates

Windows Portable Use

For portable use the locations of the Custom Phrases, Rhythm Patterns, Track Templates can be made to point to directories on the pen-drive. For this use relative paths, like “.”, “..”, or path names beginning with “\”. The reference path (“.”) is the RapidComposerV3 directory.

The VST plug-in needs to know where the standalone executable resides. You can set the application path used by the VST plug-in under SettingsLocations**. By default the last executed standalone version is used by the plug-in, but you can override this setting to use another version of the RapidComposer application.

When the standalone application runs, it creates a file in the settings folder called VSTLastAppPath.txt that contains the application path. The VST plug-in will look for that file and read the application path from it.

It is possible to tell the plug-in to use a different executable than the last used executable. When a file named as VSTAppPath.txt exists, the plug-in will use that path and will ignore the one in VSTLastAppPath.txt.

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