Use the phrase browser to drag phrases to the workspace. Please note it is simpler to double-click on the workspace to insert the currently selected phrase.

1.1 Dragging a phrase from the Phrase Browser

Drop the phrase on the workspace to insert it in the composition. Alternatively you can use double-click, or press the '+' key (only when the workspace is in keyboard focus).

1.2 Dropping a phrase on an existing phrase

Drop a phrase on another one to replace it.

1.3 Dropping a phrase on a track

The track will be filled with the phrase. If you hold down Ctrl during dropping, ghost copies will be used.

1.4 Inversions

Drag phrases vertically to make an inversion of the phrase. The way the phrase is inverted depends on the “Phrase Transpose” setting over the workspace. Notes: when moving up, the bottom notes of the phrase move up. This won't preserve the phrase shape, but the harmony and rhythm will be the same. Phrase: when moving up, all phrase notes move up to the next chord note. This preserves the phrase shape. Octave: this setting allows the phrase to move by octaves only

1.5 Copying phrases/notes

Ctrl-drag phrases or notes

1.6 Ghost copying phrases

Ctrl-Shift-drag phrases to make a ghost copy. The “copy” will follow the changes in the original phrase. You can choose to apply the variations on the original phrase, or not.

1.7 Moving phrase between tracks

During a normal drag operation, you can drag the phrases to other tracks.

It is possible to drag the rhythm part of phrases, or drop a rhythm pattern on phrases.

2.1 Dragging rhythm from phrases

Alt+drag phrase

2.2 Dragging rhythm from the Rhythm Browser

Drag phrase from the Rhythm Browser

2.3 Dropping rhythm to phrases

If the phrase is a generator its rhythm is replaced, unless you hold down Ctrl, which means adding an “Apply Rhythm” variation.

For normal phrases an “Apply Rhythm” variation is added with the dropped rhythm.

2.4 Dropping rhythm to the Rhythm Browser

Drop the dragged rhythm to save it in the Rhythm Browser

2.5 Dropping rhythm to tracks

Dropping a rhythm pattern on a track will add it as a new phrase. This is very useful for percussion tracks.

You can drag chord progressions from the browser or from the Chord Selector (“Drag” button in progression editor)

3.1 Dropping a chord progression on the master track

By default chord lengths are preserved if there are lengths assigned to chords in the progression. You can ignore the lengths by dropping the progression using the Ctrl key.

3.2 Dropping a chord progression on the timeline selection

The chords are placed automatically in the selected timeline range. This many not be possible if the selection is too short, so make sure the chords will fit into the selection.

You can drag and drop MIDI (either files or directly from DAWs) to any track or the master track. Dragging should work from most DAWs that use the standard D&D procedures. Only the first track is inserted from the MIDI files. You can import multiple tracks under the MIDI Import tab.

4.1 Dragging MIDI to tracks (with real-time preview)

If you hold down the Ctrl key, the dragged MIDI is analyzed for chords, and its relative form is dropped which automatically adhere to the master track chords. If you do not hold down Ctrl during dragging, the original MIDI notes are placed in the track. Some DAWs (like Reaper) do not make it possible to show a live preview of the dragged phrase, because the file data is created only when dropping the MIDI data. However it is still possible to drop MIDI from Reaper.

4.2 Dragging MIDI to the master track (with real-time preview)

The dragged MIDI file is analysed for chords which you can drop on the master track. Monophonic files without harmony do not work.

4.3 Dragging MIDI to rhythm drop targets

It is possible to drop a MIDI file on “rhythm drop targets”. In this case the rhythm will be extracted from the first track of the MIDI data.

4.4 Dragging MIDI to the RC window

This will open the MIDI Import page for specifying further options

5.1 Dragging the whole composition

Use Ctrl-drag on the file icon. Muted tracks will not be included. You can select a section to drag by making a timeline selection.

5.2 Dragging a single track

Ctrl-drag the track name. You can select a section to drag by making a timeline selection.

5.3 Dragging selected phrases as MIDI (from v3.5)

Ctrl-Alt-Shift+drag phrases

  • (external edit)