
The Dynasty of Love

Dynasty of Love

The Dynasty of love

Eurovision Live, Iasi (Romania), 27 Ianuarie. Broadcasting Television: TVR1, TVR2, TVR International:

Throughout history, the human mankind has witnessed various eras governed by many dynasties. For 6000 years we have been living in an Age ruled by a dynasty of love which reflected peace, progressive goals and unity. For some, this dynasty is a reality, and they live by breathing daily its perfume, each contributing to raising its standard, while for others it is a desideratum, a portal for something better or an ideal. Our very existence is in itself an expression of love.

        “The Call of Love's Dynasty” is an indulgence to reflect and aspire to an Era of love, pure feeling, where words are spoken with responsibility because they are valuable and meaningful; the behavior is irreproachable, and material things are fragile - similar to a crown of glass. The path of those who live within this Age is not always sprinkled with rose petals, but sometimes with thorns too which do not steal its charm, yet reinforce values of perseverance throughout the test of time. Kings and queens who are part of this dynasty are represented by the hearts of those who love or are being loved. Under the reign of this dynasty walkways and bridges are built between hearts and souls.

        This dynasty of love will exist as long as we believe in it and we will act accordingly through dedicating time and effort in order to maintain its' perpetuity.

         Live la Eurovision, Iasi, 27 Ianuarie. Broadcasting Television: TVR1, TVR2, TVR International:

De-a lungul istoriei, omenirea a trecut prin diverse epoci sub numeroase dinastii. De 6000 de ani trăim aspirând la o epocă guvernată de o dinastie a iubirii conturată de pace, țeluri progresiste, unitate. Pentru unii această dinastie a iubirii este o realitate și o trăiesc respirându-i zilnic parfumul contribuind fiecare la ridicarea standardului acesteia, în vreme ce pentru alții este un deziderat, un portal spre ceva mai bun, sau un ideal. Însăși existența noastră este o expresie a iubirii.

        Melodia “Dynasty of love” este o reflecție asupra Erei iubirii, asupra sentimentului pur, unde cuvintele se pronunță cu responsabilitate deoarece au valoare și greutate, comportamentul fiind ireproșabil, iar lucrurile materiale sunt fragile asemenea unei coroane de sticlă. Viața celor care trăiesc în aceasta Era nu este întotdeauna presărată cu petale de trandafir, ci uneori și cu spini care îi întăresc statornicia valorii prin testul timpului. Regii și reginele care fac parte din aceasta dinastie sunt reprezentați de inimile celor care iubesc, sau a celor dragi. Sub aceasta dinastie se construiesc punți și poduri între suflete și inimi de peste 6000 de ani.

        Dinastia iubirii va exista atâta vreme cât vom crede în ea și vom acționa depunând eforturi în consecință pentru a-i asigura perpetuitatea.

Lyrics: The Dynasty of Love
The Dynasty of Love - PDF


15 March2019

“Too Busy for my Heart” - at 100 m underground



Instrumental & Backing Vocals

Lyrics: Too Busy For my Heart
Too busy for my heart - PDF

“Too Busy for my Heart” is a song with a high level of live singing difficulty which implied a strong focus from more other people than those of the stage performers. The song’s message is not way more unique than that of the other ones which were composed in roughly five minutes yet requiring hundreds of working hours and revisions. That being said, it was a quite sinuous journey starting with the sketch of the song then the text all the way through to its’ final stage version.

The Romanian Television’s efforts to organize a subterranean world’s premiere show proved itself remarkable. Technically speaking tens of thousands of electricity Wati and electronic equipment were supplied by a generator based at the surface of the earth. The estimated cable length of over 13 km - which the TVR tech team has unreeled starting one week before the event - is not exaggerated at all. The live transmission of the event raised other technical problems too – mainly because of the distance and equipment transport issues from the surface of the earth to the “underworld”.


24 April2018

“Too Busy for my Heart” - Eurovision Song Contest

“Never take things for granted. Let's not be too busy for our hearts, that of others' and of course mine :)”

How many of us haven’t seen youngsters who don’t address each other while having a walk in the park, all of them having their heads tilted towards their mobile phones and being so preoccupied with superficial communication? Such aggregation most of the time in groups does not represent the identified element of the human race but the care and attentiveness towards those surrounding us. Let's have a listen!

The Soul of the Song

Since we live in a world where technology is constantly developing, and creates a detriment of peoples' collaboration and cooperation progress, our society unfortunately does not find real formulae to make us more sensitive, attentive and loving towards our loved ones.
Therefore I find it opportune to send a message for the soul to the music lovers by means of which they are urged to not allow their hearts to get busy with insignificant matters and to not let themselves be deceived by the false feeling of friendship that social media offers.

2018 Eurovision Semifinal

Going successfully through the first live rounds,“Too busy for my heart” by Florin Chitiul, seems to have 'caught' the judges' hearts. Is it going to be chosen further? Let us be surprised.
You can watch us on Sunday, February 11, starting at 21:00 GMT+2, 19 GMT, in a live show organized by Public Romanian Television, TVR, into the Salt-mine Turda. This is one of the 5 chosen locations where the Romanian Eurovision Semifinals take place this year.

Stay tuned!

Download "Too Busy for my Heart"



Instrumental & Backing Vocals DOWNLOAD


24 April2018

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