1. MIDI Settings

MIDI input and output devices

Use virtual MIDI connections to send data to DAWs!

You can set up MIDI input (your MIDI keyboard) and MIDI output (your synthesizer) connections, as well as MIDI control messages to send and receive.


MIDI In: Select a MIDI input device. If your device is not in the list, please press Rescan MIDI Devices
Receive MIDI Start/Stop/Continue When a MIDI Start/Stop/Continue message arrives from the MIDI In, it will start or stop playback.
Receive MIDI Song Position Pointer When a MIDI Song Position Pointer message arrives with MIDI Start, it will start playback from the song position in the message.
Default MIDI Out: Select a default MIDI output device. A separate MIDI device can be chosen for each track. A newly created track will use this 'Default MIDI Output'.
Send MIDI Start/Stop/Continue The application sends MIDI Start/Stop/Continue message when the transport state changes.
Send MIDI Song Position Pointer The application sends MIDI Song Position Pointer message when the transport state changes.
Send MIDI Clock The application sends MIDI Clock messages during playback.
Send MIDI Reset All Controllers The application sends MIDI Reset All Controllers before playback if this setting is enabled.
Send MIDI Reset Pan The application sends MIDI Reset Pan before playback if this setting is enabled.
Send MIDI Reset Volume The application sends MIDI Reset Volume before playback if this setting is enabled.
Send MIDI Song Position Pointer The application sends MIDI Song Position Pointer message when the transport state changes.
Rescan MIDI Devices Check for newly attached or detached MIDI devices