Phrase Generators

Generators are fully customizable MIDI phrases, which can be variations of chord accompaniment (basic rock/pop piano), arpeggios (arpeggiator, fingerpicking, piano-style, or string-ensemble-style), or legato/monophonic (melodies, or basslines). In many of our Tutorial videos, we threw some Generators into our Composition, to get some quick ideas going with phrases and patterns.

Clicking the magic wand icon in the Phrase Inspector enlarges the window and shows all the parameters for the currently used phrase generator. All Generators have Rhythm Generator and Rhythm Processing options at the top.

The following phrase generators are included:


Create simple or complex arpeggiated phrases with the Arpeggiator. As most other generators, the arpeggiator uses the rhythm generator which lets you create rhythmically complex, interesting arpeggiated phrases.

Arpeggiator Settings

Bass Generator

The bass generator is a simple way of creating bass phrases. The specialty of this phrase generator that it can connect to the first note of the next phrase (it looks ahead).

Bass Generator Settings

We encourage you to experiment with the other Rhythm types for the Bass Generator. The Bass Rhythm is very useful, indeed, but you might want something different from your Bass Generator phrases. Notice how (after selecting the other Rhythm types) that all of the parameters might be similar, with slight changes to accommodate the legato and/or monophonic performance and playing style of bass instruments.

Chord Generator

The simplest phrase generator that fills all rhythm events with chord notes. Optionally you can add bass notes to the phrase a few octaves below the root note.

Chord Generator Settings

Dyads Run

This generates a MIDI run, specifically by interval, commonly a “thirds run”, similar to the bridge of “Let It Be”, but could also be any interval, with polyphony option.

Dyads Run Settings

Fingerpicking Generator

Most Generators have a rhythm Generator option at the top. The Fingerpicking Generator is one that doesn’t. The rhythm comes from the 'Speed' setting, which can be 1 or 2 events per quarter note.

Fingerpicking Generator Settings:

Generic Generator

The Generic Generator lets you specify the proportion of chord/scale notes, the proportion of full polyphony/partial polyphony/monophonic notes, and note repetition options.

Generic Generator Settings

Markov Melody Generator

This phrase generator must be enabled among the Settings / Miscellaneous / Experimental Features before first use. It is only for expert users because there are MANY settings that you should set up. Markov Melody is a monophonic phrase generator where each note depends on the previous two notes. You set weights (probabilities) with the sliders for all the scenarios that may happen. In the “Next Note” menu you can select from possible scale step offset for the next note compared to the last or second last note (depending on the scenario).

Markov Melody Generator Settings

Melody Generator

The Melody Generator is based on 'steps and leaps' and we at MusicDevelopments feel it is a great and incredibly useful addition to the full version of the program.

There are lots and lots of parameters to choose from and tweak, and you can get very usable results, in a very short amount of time!

Melody Generator Settings


  • Set the Movement slider all the way to the right (100% expected), and increase the Note Repetition slider for more “melodic” results.
  • Set the Steps slider for a majority of steps (with fewer % leaps) for additional “melodic” results.
  • Set the Climax to “No Climax” for melodies that don’t reach a “peak.” (a lot of melodies don’t… they hang around in one place, unless the melody is deliberately trying to draw attention to itself (then, a climax is recommended).

To save pages and your time, we encourage you to experiment with the other Rhythm types for the Melody Generator. The Probabilistic Rhythm is one of the most useful rhythm types for melodies (we’ve done extensive tests to see which rhythm type should be the default, and the Probabilistic Rhythm always produced the most useful results, and quickly. Though ALL of the Rhythm types will generate something useful. Notice how (after selecting the other Rhythm types) that all of the parameters might be similar, with slight changes to accommodate the legato and/or monophonic performance of melody.

Modern Chord Pattern Generator

Create EDM chords with this phrase generator! For best results use 'Modern Rhythm' or 'Modern Random Rhythm' as the rhythm generator or you may edit the rhythm manually.

Modern Chord Pattern Generator Settings

Ostinato Generator

An ostinato is a recurring rhythmic or melodic pattern often found in both classical compositions and popular songs. Ostinato plays an important part in improvised music (rock and jazz), in which it is often referred to as a riff or a vamp. The Ostinato Generator does not use an external rhythm pattern.

Ostinato Generator Settings

Percussion Generator

Create percussion patterns using multiple percussion instruments. Set the drum map first, use a percussion soundfont/VSTi instrument. You can re-generate one percussion, or all (unlocked) percussion instruments. Clicking on the pencil icon will open the rhythm generator options, where you can adjust the rhythm, or set up the rhythm manually.

Phrase Container

The Phrase Container lays out phrases in a certain order. Typically you add the phrases to be used in the list, of which the Phrase Container will select the specified number of phrases, that it will lay down using the specified arrangement.

Phrase Container Settings

Phrase Morpher

Phrase Morphing means that when you place a 'source' and 'target' phrase in the composition, the phrases between the two will be composed automatically by RapidComposer so that there is a smooth transition from the source phrase to the target phrase. There are several options to control this transition. Usually there are many possible transitions, if you don't like the one offered by the program, pressing 'Regenerate' will create a different transition.

Phrase Morpher Settings

Piano Chord Pattern Generator

The Piano Chord Pattern Generator makes separate patterns for the left and right hands. The left hand (bass) patterns are taken from presets which have their own rhythm. The right hand uses the rhythm generator output, and applies chord patterns on the rhythm.

Piano Run Generator

The Piano Run Generator offers a variable-note-length run through different octaves, in any direction, to easily add intensity or energy to a Composition. If you’re into minimalist piano composers such as Philip Glass or even Moby, you’ll love this Generator!

Piano Run Generator Settings

Random Melody Generator

This is a much simpler melody generator than 'Melody Generator' with less options. But still, it can make very good melodies.

Random Melody Generator Settings


This is an empty phrase used only in the Phrase Container and Idea Tool to add rest between phrases.

Rhythm Mapper

You can convert any phrase to a 'Rhythm Mapper' which lets you use a different rhythm pattern for the phrase. This is available only in the 'Convert Phrase To Generator' menu in the Phrase Inspector.

Direct 1:1 Mapping

The rhythm events are mapped to phrase events. It is not the rhythm length that counts but the number of events in the rhythm. First the algorithm locates 'events' in the original phrase. An event has a position and a length. Events are when note(s) begin and last until the next note/event. Multiple notes (e.g. a chord) may belong to a single event. Also all rhythm notes are considered as an 'event'. Then the rhythm events are applied to the phrase, by shortening phrase notes if needed. Please note: a faster rhythm may change the phrase length. E.g. when you have 4 quarter notes, and you apply a rhythm consisting of eighth notes, the phrase becomes half the length. So the phrase length may change when using “Direct 1:1 Mapping”.

Preserve Phrase Shape

This functionality is the same as the Apply Rhythm variation. The phrase length does not change.

Strings Staccato Generator

The Staccato Strings Generator is obviously best utilized with a Staccato Strings soundfont or VSTi. This Generator is absolutely perfect to create classical runs/arpeggios, that stay true to string ensemble arrangements, and the intervals they often use. The algorithm was painstakingly created through extensive study of classical compositions by Beethoven, Mozart, and Bach.

If you love classical music and the beauty of staccato string arpeggios, this Generator might be the missing puzzle piece for your ideas.

Strings Staccato Generator Settings

Strum Pattern Generator

Create interesting and realistic guitar strum patterns with this generator! Use the 'Steel Guitar' preset from the included 'GeneralUser GS-RC' soundfont, or similar virtual instrument.

Working with phrase generators

Let’s get to know Generators in detail. First, open up the Phrase Browser:

As you can see, there are several Generator types. Each phrase generator makes its own unique patterns, for different purposes you need to use different phrase generators. You can learn more about them in the next Section (Generator Parameters). In earlier chapters, we mentioned which Generators are more commonly used, and which ones are used less frequently. In case you forgot, here are the most common Generator types, according to our customers/users:

Bass, Chord, Fingerpicking, Generic, and Melody Generators. Let’s start a New Composition, and create a chord progression. Right-click the first chord on each bar (in the Chord Selector window, choose “Scale Degrees” instead of “List”, to work with the chords by Roman Numerals.). Now, create the common chord progression I - V - VIm - IV.

Now, let’s create several new tracks in our Composition, by pressing the + key on your keyboard three times (first click on a track to make it the keyboard focus). This should create 4 tracks total.

Now let’s set the instrument for each track that we’re going to put a Generator on. In these examples, we will be using the included Soundfonts that come with RapidComposer. To customize the Instrument for each track, you’ll need to pull up the Track Inspector. In case you forgot, we can access the Track Inspector by right-clicking the Track Header (where the name of each Track is).

Leave track 1’s Instrument as default (it defaults to the RCPiano soundfont). Set track 2’s Instrument to the “GeneralUser GS-RC” soundfont, Acoustic Bass preset (this will be our Bass track, of course) Set track 3’s Instrument to the “GeneralUser GS-RC” soundfont, Nylon Guitar preset (we will be putting a Fingerpicking Generator on this track). Set track 4’s Instrument to the “GeneralUser GS-RC” soundfont, Clarinet or any other lead preset (this will be our Melody Generator track). If you are using the LE version, you can skip adding a 4th track, as Melody Generator is only available in the Full version.

Your Composition should now have each track set to a different soundfont presets.

Now insert some chords…. for this example, our progression is I - V - VIm - IV (C - G - Am - F) and we left our Composition / Master Track settings default (key of C, 120BPM, 4/4 time).

Left-click the Track Header for Track 1, so Track 1 is the active/selected track. Hit Q on your computer keyboard, and Track 1 will fill with the default Generic Generator.

Left-click the Track Header for Track 2, so Track 2 is the active/selected track. Hit B on your computer keyboard, and Track 2 will fill with the default Bass Generator.

Left-click the Track Header for Track 3, so Track 3 is the active/selected track. Hit N on your computer keyboard, and Track 3 will fill with the default Fingerpicking Generator.

Left-click the Track Header for Track 4, so Track 4 is the active/selected track. Hit M on your computer keyboard, and Track 4 will fill with the default Melody Generator (not available in LE version).

Your Composition should now look like this:

We’re going to “tweak” one Generator at a time in this chapter. Let’s first work with the Generic Generator on Track 1. To pull up the Phrase Inspector window, right-click one of the Phrases (for example, the Phrase in Bar 1, which plays through the I chord).

You’ll see this Phrase Inspector window (at right). There are 5 icons at the top of the window. Click the 3rd one, which looks like a magic wand. This is where you will make the common changes to your Generators.

NOTE: For these examples, we won’t change much, but the next Section of this Chapter (Generator Parameters) shows the many, many ways Generators can be “tweaked” to achieve your desired result.

After you click the magic wand icon, you’ll see that the Phrase Inspector window enlarges and shows lots of cool parameters for the Generic Generator we placed on Track 1. Let’s hit the main PLAY button to hear how the Phrase sounds, with the rest of the tracks. Sounds alright, but we might want to tweak the Generic Generator by “randomizing” it (in RC, this is called “Generate+Apply” and there is also a keyboard shortcut for it, which is the letter G (after a Generator is selected).

With the Phrase highlighted and the Phrase Inspector window open, we can hit the letter G to create a new randomization of the Generator. Another easy and fast way to do this is as follows: Hit the right-facing arrow next to the Generator name. Whichever way you choose, you’ll see the 1/1 changed to 2/2.

This is called Phrase Local History. What it allows you to do is save and recall previous states of phrase generation (most commonly used with Generators). For example: “4th of 4”, or “6th of 6” near the Generator names. These indicate that we’ve generated/applied three additional Generators in one generator, or five additional Generators (using different parameters) in another. These can be recalled and changed at any time, by clicking the left or right arrows on each phrase!

Let’s go back to our Composition. Press PLAY again and listen to all four bars. Sounds pretty good, but maybe the Melody Generator in Bar 1 isn’t complimenting the Composition the way we’d hoped. Let’s work with Phrase Local History some more, but before we do, let’s tweak some of the Melody Generator parameters, in the Phrase that is located on the 1st bar.

1. Change the “Division” parameters to 1/4.

2. Change the “Mode” to Scale Notes+Chord Notes., instead of Downbeat is always a Chord Note.

3. Now, click the “Regenerate!” button. Then “Apply To Selection.” (or just hit the letter G, as it combines both commands).

4. Press PLAY. Still not satisfied?

5. Left-click the right-facing arrow next to the Generator name, to create entirely new Generator Phrases quickly (as long as the Generator is highlighted). Both the letter G and clicking the right-facing arrow do the same thing: “Generate+Apply”.

6. Keep pressing PLAY until you find something you like.

In the screenshot below, it took us only 4 additional generations/randomizations of the Melody Generator before we found something we liked. Initially we were going to go with the 1st generation. But we decided after listening back to the others, that the 5th generation sounded better to our ears. To cycle through the generations, simply left-click the left-facing arrow or right-facing arrow, and you can press PLAY to see how each sounds in the Composition. Truly rapid composing!