[<10>] ====== Neutralitate ====== ===== Melodii - Imnuri Religioase ===== Imnurile religioase deoarece au fost compuse fie intr-o epoca in care Biblia nu era pe deplin inteleasa (cum ar fi perioada evului mediuin care Biblia era scrisa doar in limbile moarte greaca veche si latina), fie de persoane care nu o cunoasteau bine, fie de persoane care apartineau unor confesiuni religioase ale caror doctrine se indepartau mult de la cea biblica datorita influentelor babilonice. Nu este de mirare ca multe imnuri si piese muzicale sunt o impletire de filosofii pagane si doctrine crestine ce contin: __elemete religioase de sorginte pagana__\\ cum ar fi trinitatea, credinta in nemurirea sufletului, pedeapsa eterna intr-un infern, viata dupa moarte, astrologia __elemente iconografice cu cracter idolatru__\\ cum ar fi crucea, pomul de iarna sau alte obiecte si simboluri asa-zis sacre, __idolatrizarea persoanelor__\\ prin sanctificare, beatificare, moaste, onomastice, zile de nastere, __diverse sarbatori necrestine__\\ Craciunul, Pastele, etc __optici distorsionate sau laxiste asupra__\\ sexualitatii, casatoriei, sangelui. \\ ===== IDOLATRIA ===== **NIMIC** nu poate lua locul lui Dumnezeu in inchinare\\ Cele 10 porunci indica limpede punctul de vedere a lui Dumnezeu referitor la rugaciuni, cantece si in general inchinare: | **Exodus 20:4,5** Să nu ai alţi dumnezei afară de Mine.\\ \\ 4Să nu-ţi faci chip cioplit, nici vreo înfăţişare a lucrurilor care sunt sus în ceruri, sau jos pe pământ, sau în apele mai de jos decât pământul.5Să nu te închini înaintea lor, şi să nu le slujeşti; căci Eu, Domnul, Dumnezeul tău, sunt un Dumnezeu gelos, care pedepsesc nelegiuirea părinţilor în copii până la al treilea şi la al patrulea neam al celor ce Mă urăsc\\ \\ BC | 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:\\ 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; (aici gelozia reprezinta inchinare exclusiva)\\ King James Version | | | | \\ Potrivit primei porunci, (Ten Commandments), Dumnezeu pretinde inchinare exclusiva iar oricine acorda o atentie nepotrivita unui obiect, animal sau unei alte persoane (dupa cum vom vedea in continuare) era considerat idolatru si condamnat la moarte. | **Jeremiah 10:3** - căci obiceiurile popoarelor sunt deşarte. Taie un lemn din pădure; mâna meşterului îl lucrează cu securea;4îl împodobeşte cu argint şi aur, şi ei îl ţintuiesc cu cuie şi ciocane, ca să nu se clatine.5Dumnezeii aceştia sunt ca o sperietoare de păsări într-un ogor de castraveţi (Sau: ca un stâlp tras la strung), şi nu vorbesc; sunt duşi de alţii, pentru că nu pot să meargă." "Nu vă temeţi de ei, căci nu pot să facă nici un rău, şi nu sunt în stare să facă nici un bine." | For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.5 They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good. | Idolatria este orice atentie mai mare decat cea cuvenita, chiar venerare, data unui obiect sau persoane (drapelul, sfinti, etc). Imnurile patriotice si cele religioase invoca adeseori divinitatea sau alti asa-zisi sfinti pentru a interveni in interesele natiunii sau personale, iar cei care le intepreteaza sunt deseori cuprinsi de fervoare efectiv religioasa.\\ **NIMENI** nu poate fi glorificat in locul lui Dumnezeu. | **Isaiah 42: 8** - Eu sunt Domnul, acesta este Numele Meu; şi slava Mea n-o voi da altuia, nici cinstea mea idolilor." | I am Jehovah, that is my name; and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise unto graven images.\\ - American Standard Version (1901) | Asadar nu se cade ca Dumnezeu sa isi imparta gloria si lauda cu nimeni si nimic, nici cu imaginile sau sculpturile, sau cu oameni buni, asceti, preoti, calugari, nici cu mama lui Isus si nici chiar cu Isus, fiul sau! \\ **Isus Cristos**, nici chiar el nu ii poate lua locul tatalui in ceea ce priveste glorificarea: | ** Filp 2:11** si orice limba sa marturiseasca, spre slava lui Dumnezeu Tatal, ca Isus Hristos este Domnul. | And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (KJ version) | | **1Co 15:27** Dumnezeu, in adevar, "a pus totul sub picioarele Lui". Dar cand zice ca totul I-a fost supus, se intelege ca afara de Cel ce I-a supus totul.\\ 28. Si cand toate lucrurile Ii vor fi supuse, atunci chiar si Fiul Se va supune Celui ce I-a supus toate lucrurile, pentru ca Dumnezeu sa fie totul in toti. | 27 For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him.28 And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all. (KJ version) | | **Evrei 5:8** macar ca era Fiu, a invatat sa asculte prin lucrurile pe care le-a suferit. (nu era zeu, ci fiu ascultator.) | Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; (KJ version) | | **Ioan 14:28**. Ati auzit ca v-am spus: "Ma duc, si Ma voi intoarce la voi." Daca M-ati iubi, v-ati fi bucurat ca v-am zis: "Ma duc la Tatal"; caci Tatal este mai mare decat Mine. | Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. (KJ version) | \\ **Maria** - mama lui Isus nu joaca nici un rol biblic in inchinarea crestina. | **Ioan 14:6**\\ "Nimeni nu vine la Tatal Meu decât prin Mine." | Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. | | **Jeremiah 7:18** Copiii strâng lemne, părinţii aprind focul, şi femeile frământă plămădeala ca să pregătească turte împărătesei cerului şi să toarne jertfe de băutură altor dumnezei ca să Mă mânie.\\ **Ieremia 44:25** "Aşa vorbeşte Domnul Dumnezeul lui Israel: „Voi şi nevestele voastre aţi mărturisit cu gurile voastre şi aţi împlinit cu mâinile voastre ce spuneţi: „Vrem să împlinim juruinţele pe care le-am făcut, să aducem tămâie împărătesei cerului şi să-i turnăm jertfe de băutură!”" | **Jeremiah 7:18** “The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger” K.J.\\ **Jeremiah 44:25** (Thus saith Jehovah of hosts, the God of Israel, saying, Ye and your wives have both spoken with your mouths, and fulfilled with your hands, saying, We will certainly perform our vows which we have vowed, to burn incense to the queen of the heavens, and to pour out drink-offerings unto her. Ye will certainly establish your vows, and entirely perform your vows. - Darby Bible) | **Nici un pasaj biblic nu lasa sa se înteleaga ca ar trebui sa ne rugam altcuiva în afara de Dumnezeu.**\\ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Asadar, pe langa gelozia sanatoasa a lui Dumnezeu prin care pretinde justificat o inchinare exlusiva, exista si motive de accesibilitate organizatorice la Dumnezeu statuate limpede si inamovibile: nu exsita alta cale de acces la Dumnezeu decat prin intermediul lui ISUS. (doctrina potrivit careia Mariei trebuie sa ne rugam este nebiblica, si oricat de greu ar fi de crezut, este de origine pagana. Aprope toate religiile antice au in doctrinele lor inchinarea la o femeie, de regula virgina sau la zeitele-mame.\\ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Astfel, cu mult inaintea lui Isus, unii evrei s-au dedat la acte idolatre, de inchinare la "Regina Cerurilor". Aceasta nu putea fi fecioara Maria, evenimentele invocate de Jeremiah 7:18; 44:25 petrecandu-se in secolul VI i.e.n. Astfel, insecolul I nici un iudeu fidel nu se inchina la nici o divinitate feminina, deoarece fenomenul era stigmatizat de catre profeti. Iata insa ca dupa 370 de ani de la nasterea lui Isus elementele pagane influenteaza viata religioasa crestia intrand in circuitul religios sarbatorirea unei femei, cu numele Maria.\\ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Ephiphaus din Salamis, care a trait intre aprox 310 - 403 este o sursa foarte credibila deoarece este foarte aprope de evenimentele primului secol, pe de o parte iar pe de alta este considerat un stalp al bisericii de apus Catolice si a celei ortodoxe, catalogheaza drept erezie o noua sarbatoare in care numele lui Maria este (.........)\\ //Engleza//\\ ++| the Sumerian fertility goddess Inanna, Babylonian Ishtar. (The name Inanna literally means “Queen of Heaven (and of the stars).”) “Ishtar, mistress of heaven.”\\ In Egypt, an inscription of King Horemheb, 14th century B.C.E., mentions “Astarte [Ishtar] lady of heaven.”\\ (Epiphanius of Salamis (inter 310–320 – 403) was bishop of Salamis at the end of the 4th century. He is considered a saint and a Church Father by both the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. He is best known for composing a very large compendium of the heresies up to his own time. Panarion which means "medicine-chest" -also known as Adversus Haereses, "Against Heresies")\\ The worship of the “queen of the heavens” was practiced as late as the fourth century C.E. In about 375 C.E., in his treatise Panarion (79, 1, 7), Epiphanius states: “Some women decorate a sort of chariot or a four-cornered bench and, after stretching over it a piece of linen, on a certain feast day of the year they place in front of it a loaf for some days and offer it up in the name of Mary. Then all the women partake of this loaf.” Epiphanius (79, 8, 1, 2) connected these practices with the worship of the “queen of the heavens” presented in Jeremiah and quotes Jeremiah 7:18 and Jer. 44:25 .—Epiphanius, edited by Karl Holl, Leipzig, 1933, Vol. 3, pp. 476, 482, 483 ++ **INGERI**\\ | **Apocalipsa 19:10** \\ Şi m-am aruncat la picioarele lui (ingerului) ca să mă închin lui. Dar el mi-a zis: "Fereşte-te să faci una ca aceasta! Eu sunt un împreună slujitor cu tine şi cu fraţii tăi, care păstrează mărturia lui Isus. Lui Dumnezeu închină-te!BC | **Revelation 19:10**\\ And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. | Scriitorul Biblic Ioan, instinctiv a fost tentat sa i se inchine ingerului care i s-a aratat. Ingerul a ripostat catalogand aceast act drept iresponsabil si imoral fiind toti slujmituri ai aceluias stapan, Dumnezeu. Asadar acordarea exagerata a atentie unei persoane prin cantari de elogiere si chiar prin inchinare sunt total nepotrivite unui crestin.\\ **Daniel Cap 3.** - Daniel - Un exemplu de neutralitate religioasa. \\ \\ ==== Religious Neutrality ==== ++++| //Study by Bernice Chitiul//\\ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Besides the musical one, was a religious one, in which the Bible is the central, the primordial and the ultimate authority. My religion is Jehovah's Witness, and till now, everything I learned turns to be Biblical and perfect legitimate. I am not a dogmatic person, but I am a logical and rational one. What I know is that we cannot play with sensitive things like faith or to play with God having personal conceptions and philosophies about god and life as long we recognize end preach the Bible as God’s Word.\\ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Punctual, we don’t have time to write down the major differences between the most well known religious and the Bible, but I will write shortly almost all in a line.\\ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Quite about music, the things are almost the same. All major Songs we have to sing to choir are composed in a period when the Bible was not available to all common people, remaining in the original dead languages, like old Greek and Latin. Some of them mixed down the genuine Biblical things with imagined ones resulting in a mixture of Christian-Babylonian doctrine, like:\\ * **Trinity** (a contorsonated non pagan philosophy according to which the God is the same person with his Son together being the same person with Holy Spirit, what is actually a force not a person),\\ * **Immortality of the Soul** (the belief that state that any person has a separate soul, perfect aware of himself which, after the dead of the person - in fact the host-body - will fly in purgatory, in heavens or directly in the hel, accordingly with the deeds of the host-body. - All these elements are founds to almost to all ancient and present religious, christian and non christian beliefs, but not in the Bible.) * **The Hel** (not Biblical support for its existence and purpose) \\ * **After death life** (non Christian belief with none Biblical basis)\\ * **Astrology** (Babylonian “Science” condemned in the Bible)\\ * **Iconography** with idolatrous customs and accent like:\\ * **The Cross** (1. Use of the objects in God worship strongly forbidden in Bible. 2. The crucifixion on the cross we know today is not supported by Bible and History either. it is most likely about Crux simplex, a simple wooden stake, not a complicated cross. I cannot retain myself from reminding what Cicero, contemporaneous with Jesus the Christ, said: that crucifixion was a most cruel and disgusting punishment",and suggested that the very mention of the cross should be far removed not only from a Roman citizen’s body, but from his mind, his eyes, his ears. And the Romans was pagans at that time...)\\ * **Christmas tree** (non Christian custom)\\ * **Eastern eggs**, the same, etc\\ * **The inappropriate glorification, sanctification of a persons, beatification: Onomastics, Births days**, etc (non Christian custom, 2 mentions about this are in the whole Bible, bothe of them ending with an homicide)\\ * Lax optics about sexuality and marriage.\\ __**Holidays:**__\\ * **Christmas** (it is a holiday inserted 300 years after the Christ death, heaving Saturnalia from Rome, a holiday in honor of Saturn, the god of agriculture. The first mention of this was around of A.D. (Anni Domini) 336. Why? Because the Christian does not celebrated birthdays, not even the birthday of the Christ. This is why nobody knows exactly the birthday of the Jesus today. It was an inappropriate attention or a veneration in an idolatrous way. What about us today? If we want to call our-self Christian by facts, we have to stick by the Biblical teachings.) * **Ester** (the most important national holiday of nation Israel. This is all. It has nothing to do with Christian teaching or with us, the non Jewish people. If we still want to celebrate it we must, accordingly the Bible, to circumcise first all the men in the family, afterwards had to celebrate a whole week, without sweets, without bread, pork forbidden under punishment of death, dressed all night ready for the road, and the 14 Nissan, actually March - April to become the first month in the year, very complicated. And, of course, we should go to celebrate it in Jerusalem. not where we better like. But as we are not Jews, we have not to celebrate this holiday. It is often confused with Christ resurrection. Resurrection is a very important christian belief, still, in our case, the commandment and the relevance is not to celebrate his resurrection, but his death, because through his perfect blood all mankind has a chance to reconcile with Jehovah, the God of Israel.)\\ **Idolatry** **NOTHING** - is entitled have to receive God’s alike glory:\\ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_The idolatry cover a large range of inappropriate or exaggerated attention given to an object, animal, person or deity, giving undue honour to something or somebody. For example, the Catechism of the Catholic Church states: "Idolatry not only refers to false pagan worship. Man commits idolatry whenever he honours and reveres a creature in place of God, whether this be gods, or demons (for example satanism), power, pleasure, race, ancestors, the state, money etc.\\ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_The Bible Is very explicit about the meaning of this term, first time, in the Ten Commandments in **Exodus 20:4,5**. The first Commandment sounds: \\ //4. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or thatis in the water under the earth:\\ 5. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; (where the jealousy represent the exclusive worship pretended by God)//\\ -King James Version\\ The punishment for not obeying any of these commandments was the death\\ \\ **NOBODY** - The God of Abraham, Jehovah, does not intend to share his glory with good people, neither with monks, priests, neither with mother of Jesus or even with Jesus himself, his son. Is quite understandable and logical. **Isaiah 42: 8** I am Jehovah, that is my name; and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise unto graven images. - American Standard Version (1901)\\ \\ **Jesus Christ** - Jesus role in our worship to God is just as an intermediator. He is an obedient servant of God. He is under God's coordination and administration. Logically, God is greater than Jesus, the theocratic organization work centralized, descendent like a river, the direction Up - Down, never vice versa. He never asked to be considered the God. The 12 disciples, like all other Christians worship and praised God, and like Jesus Himself, all prayed to God. On the Mount of Olives, in the night before his death, Jesus prayed to God all night long.\\ | **John 14:6** Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. | | **Filp 2:11** And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (KJ version) | | **1Co 15:27** For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him.28And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all. (KJ version) | | **Evrei 5:8** Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; (KJ version) | | **John 14:28**. Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. (KJ version) | | **Luk 22, 42-45** Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remooue this cup from me: neuerthelesse, not my will, but thine be done. | \\ \\ **Maria**\\ No biblical text let us to conclude that Maria, a very pure girl, had or has any role in the Christian worship or that we can or we have to pray to another person then God. We cannot access God through Maria or other excellent person, like John the Baptist, who is the second greatest man who ever lived on earth after Christ.\\ | **John 14:6** (citat mai sus) Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. | | **Jeremiah 7:18** “The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger” K.J.\\ **Jeremiah 44:25** (Thus saith Jehovah of hosts, the God of Israel, saying, Ye and your wives have both spoken with your mouths, and fulfilled with your hands, saying, We will certainly perform our vows which we have vowed, to burn incense to the queen of the heavens, and to pour out drink-offerings unto her. Ye will certainly establish your vows, and entirely perform your vows. - Darby Bible) | \\ But we have to make a little historical study to find out that almost all antique religions had in their doctrine a woman, a virgin or a mother-deity. So, in the sec. VI B.C.E. the Israelites worshiped idolatrous the “queen of heavens”,** Jeremiah 7:18; 44:25**. No Jews ever was authorized to worship a woman or other deity. But, like in sec VI B.C., after the 370 Christ death and resurrection, begun some tendencies of glorify women in the Christian Church.\\ (Epiphanius of Salamis (i310 – 403) said that that he worship of the “queen of the heavens” was practiced as late as the fourth century C.E. In about 375 C.E., in his treatisePanarion (79, 1, 7), Epiphanius states: “Some women decorate a sort of chariot or a four-cornered bench and, after stretching over it a piece of linen, on a certain feast day of the year they place in front of it a loaf for some days and offer it up in the name of Mary. Then all the women partake of this loaf.” Epiphanius (79, 8, 1, 2) connected these practices with the worship of the “queen of the heavens” presented in Jeremiah and quotes **Jeremiah 7:18** and **Jer. 44:25** .—Epiphanius, edited by Karl Holl, Leipzig, 1933, Vol. 3, pp. 476, 482, 483\\ * the Sumerian fertility goddess Inanna, Babylonian Ishtar. (The name Inanna literally means “Queen of Heaven (and of the stars).”) “Ishtar, mistress of heaven.” \\ * In Egypt, an inscription of King Horemheb, 14th century B.C.E., mentions “Astarte [Ishtar] lady of heaven.”\\ (Epiphanius of Salamis (inter 310–320 – 403) was bishop of Salamis at the end of the 4th century. He is considered a saint and a Church Father by both the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. He is best known for composing a very large compendium of the heresies up to his own time. Panarion which means "medicine-chest" -also known as Adversus Haereses, "Against Heresies")\\ The worship of the “queen of the heavens” was practiced as late as the fourth century C.E. In about 375 C.E., in his treatise Panarion (79, 1, 7), Epiphanius states: “Some women decorate a sort of chariot or a four-cornered bench and, after stretching over it a piece of linen, on a certain feast day of the year they place in front of it a loaf for some days and offer it up in the name of Mary. Then all the women partake of this loaf.” Epiphanius (79, 8, 1, 2) connected these practices with the worship of the “queen of the heavens” presented in Jeremiah and quotes **Jeremiah 7:18** and **Jer. 44:25** .—Epiphanius, edited by Karl Holl, Leipzig, 1933, Vol. 3, pp. 476, 482, 483 \\ \\ **ANGELS**\\ | **Revelation 19:10**\\ And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. | The Bible writer John felt almost instinctively the need to worship the angel. The angel firmly admonished him to no to that because all work for the same master. Again, this is a very logic reaction of this other God servant, this angel.\\ \\ **Religious hymns**\\ Religious hymns were composed in an early epoch where the Bible wasn't fully understood ( in the Middle Ages period however, where the Bible was written in dead languages like late Greek (Hellenic) and Latin),either by people who didn't knew it entirely either by people who belonged to different denominations whose doctrines considerably thrust aside from the main biblical one because of pagan, Babylonia influences.\\ | God is gone up -by Gerald Finzi\\ \\ Grater Love Hath No Man - John Ireland\\ \\ If ye Love Me - by Thomas Tallis\\ \\ Lamentations Of Jeremiah - Thomas Tallis\\ \\ Sing Joyfully\\ \\ Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis - by Herbert Howells | | Hosanna To The Son Of David - Thomas Weelkes - Gloria este doar a lui Iehova (Ioan 14: 28)\\ \\ Hymn To St. Cecilia - Unul singur este Sfant: Iehova (Is. 6:3; Rev. 4:8). Toti au pacatuit (Romani 5:12).\\ \\ Rejoice in The Lamb - by Benjamin Britten - se rostogoleste pisica ca sa ii dea glorie lui D-zeu\\ \\ Te Deum in G - Te Deum in G - nepotrivita - Biserica nu e sfanta - Paradis pe pamant nu in cer (Ps 72:8; Ap 21:3,4)\\ \\ Ubi Caritas- by Maurice Durufle - textul vorbeste despre Isus ca fiind Dumnezeul nostru (Ioan 14:28) | ++++ ==== Exemple de piese muzicale religioase: ==== ^ \\ \\ \\ \\ Biblice | God is gone up -by Gerald Finzi\\ \\ Grater Love Hath No Man - John Ireland\\ \\ If ye Love Me - by Thomas Tallis\\ \\ Lamentations Of Jeremiah - Thomas Tallis\\ \\ Sing Joyfully\\ \\ Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis - by Herbert Howells | ^ \\ \\ \\ Nepo\\ trivite: | Hosanna To The Son Of David - Thomas Weelkes - Gloria este doar a lui Iehova (Ioan 14: 28)\\ \\ Hymn To St. Cecilia - Unul singur este Sfant: Dumnezeu (Is. 6:3; Rev. 4:8). Toti au pacatuit, deci si Cecilia (Romani 5:12).\\ \\ Rejoice in The Lamb - by Benjamin Britten - se rostogoleste pisica ca sa ii dea glorie lui D-zeu\\ \\ Te Deum in G - Te Deum in G - nepotrivita - Biserica nu e sfanta - Paradis pe pamant nu in cer (Ps 72:8; Ap 21:3,4)\\ \\ Ubi Caritas- by Maurice Durufle - textul vorbeste despre Isus ca fiind Dumnezeul nostru (Ioan 14:28)\\ \\ Pieta Signore - textul vorbeste despre severitatea Dumnezeului precum si existenta iadului.\\ \\ Music For A While by Henry Purcell - textul evidentiaza puterea zeului Alectos de a invia pe cei morti. Ori doar Iehova Dumenzeu are aceasta putere. | \\ \\ ===== Politica ===== * Isus care a refuzat funcţii politice (Ioan 6:15, 12:12, 19). El şi-a învăţat discipolii ‘să nu facă parte din lume’ şi le-a arătat cât se poate de clar că ei nu trebuiau să se implice în chestiuni politice. (Ioan 17:14 - Isus le-a dat discipor cuantul lui Dumnezeu si lumea i-a urat, deorace ei nu sunt din lume, dupa cum nici eu nu sunt din lume. 16; 18:36; Marcu 12:13-17).\\ * Imparatia lui Dumnezeu, deci „ Evanghelia aceasta a Împărăţiei va fi propovăduită în toată lumea,” (Matei 24:14). Ca slujitori ai Regatului lui Dumnezeu, vom fi neutri în ce priveşte chestiunile politice ale tuturor ţărilor, inclusiv ale ţării în care trăim (2 Corinteni 5:20 - Noi suntem inputerniciti, ambasadori ai lui Isus Cristos)\\ * Ioan 18:33-36 - Imparatia mea, zice Isus, nu este din Lumea aceasta.\\ * Păstrându-ne neutralitatea, le putem împărtăşi vestea bună despre Regatul lui Dumnezeu tuturor oamenilor, indiferent de orientarea lor politică. Ne străduim să arătăm prin cuvinte şi fapte că ne bizuim pe Regatul lui Dumnezeu ca soluţie la problemele omenirii (Psalmul 56:11).\\ * Întrucât evităm dezacordurile politice, suntem uniţi într-o familie internaţională (Coloseni 3:14; 1 Petru 2:17). În schimb, religiile care se amestecă în politică produc dezbinări între membrii lor (1 Corinteni 1:10 - Sa aveti acelasi fel de vorbire, sa nu aveti dezbinari intre voi si sa fiti uniti). \\ * 1 Samuel 8: 1-22 Batranii lui Israel ii cer lui Samuel un rege ca celelalte regate. Regii moderni , monarhii si presedintii au astazi asceleasi privilegii.\\ * Ieremia 17: 5 5. Asa vorbeste Domnul: "Blestemat sa fie omul care se increde in om, care se sprijina pe un muritor si isi abate inima de la Domnul! \\ **Arătăm respect faţă de guverne.** Deşi nu ne implicăm în chestiuni politice, arătăm respect faţă de autoritatea guvernelor din ţările în care trăim. Această poziţie este în deplină armonie cu porunca biblică: „Orice suflet să fie supus autorităţilor superioare” (Romani 13:1). Respectăm legea, plătim taxele şi susţinem eforturile autorităţilor de a asigura binele cetăţenilor. Nu luăm parte la nicio acţiune subversivă, ci, dimpotrivă, urmăm sfatul Bibliei de a ne ruga pentru „regi şi pentru toţi cei care sunt în poziţii înalte”, mai ales când aceştia au de luat decizii care afectează libertatea de închinare (1 Timotei 2:1, 2). De asemenea, respectăm drepturile altora de a decide în chestiuni de natură politică. De pildă, nu sabotăm alegerile şi nu încercăm să-i oprim pe cei ce aleg să voteze.\\ **Este poziţia noastră de neutralitate o decizie de dată recentă?** Nu. Apostolii şi ceilalţi creştini din secolul I au adoptat şi ei o astfel de poziţie faţă de autorităţile guvernamentale. Iată ce se spune în cartea Beyond Good Intentions: „Deşi considerau că aveau obligaţia de a respecta autorităţile guvernamentale, primii creştini nu credeau că este potrivit să se implice în chestiunile politice”. În mod asemănător, cartea On the Road to Civilization afirmă că primii creştini „nu acceptau nicio funcţie politică”.\\ **Constituie neutralitatea noastră politică o ameninţare la adresa securităţii naţionale?** Nu. Noi suntem cetăţeni care iubesc pacea şi de care autorităţile guvernamentale nu au de ce să se teamă. Un raport pe 2001 al Academiei Naţionale de Ştiinţe din Ucraina făcea următorul comentariu privind neutralitatea noastră politică: „În prezent, unii s-ar putea să nu fie de acord cu poziţia adoptată de Martorii lui Iehova; exact acesta a fost motivul pentru care, în trecut, au fost acuzaţi de regimurile totalitare naziste şi comuniste”. Cu toate acestea, sub regimul sovietic represiv, Martorii „au rămas cetăţeni care au respectat legea. Au muncit în mod cinstit şi altruist în cooperative agricole şi în uzine, fără să constituie vreo ameninţare pentru regimul comunist”. Nici în prezent, convingerile şi practicile Martorilor lui Iehova nu „subminează securitatea şi integritatea vreunui stat”, concluziona raportul. De studiat: 1 Cor 4:10 [<10>]